Wipes on Trash Klán Oldala



WoW Alchemy Leveling Guide 1 - 450

First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth - just ask a guard, and learn Apprentice Alchemy.

  • 1-60
    59 x [Minor Healing Potions] - 59 Peacebloom, 59 Sliverleaf, 59 Empty Vial

    You'll need these in the next step of the Alchemy guide.

60 - 140

Learn Alchemy Journeyman.

  • 105 - 140
    35 x [Healing Potion] - 35 Bruiseweed, 35 Briarthorn, 35 Leaded Vial

140 - 205

Learn Alchemy Expert.

205 - 285

Learn Alchemy Artisan.

285 - 350

Go to Outland and learn Alchemy Master.

Once you reach an Alchemy skill of 325 and level 68, you may begin a quest to learn one of three specializations: Potions, Elixirs or Transmutations. Being specialized gives you a chance to create an extra 1 to 4 (for a total 5) items while crafting in the field you have selected. For example, a Master of Potions may be able to craft more than one [Super Mana Potion] for the same material cost as one.

Both Elixir and Potion master requires instance runs for the quest items and it can be hard to find groups to those old instances, so here is a little trick which can save you a lot of time.

Choose the path of Transmute Master. Buy 4 [Primal Might] or farm the required materials for 4 [Primal Might]. Go to Netherstorm, talk to Transmute Master and become a Transmute Master. Unlearn your specialization by talking to the master again, then go to the Elixir Master or to the Potion Master depends on which path you want to choose, of course if you want to be a Transmute master, you can skip this part. It costs 150 gold each time you unlearn your specialization.

350 - 450

Go to Northrend and learn Alchemy Grand Master.

  • 415 - 425

    This recipe turns green at 422, so you might need to make more than 20.

    20 x [Runic Mana Potion] - 20 Goldcover, 40 Lichbloom, 20 Imbued Vial

  • 435-450
    You can make any flask you want or make the one that you need for raiding. Between 435-440 you can also make [Transmute: Skyflare Diamond]

I hope you liked this WoW Alchemy leveling guide, GZ to 450!

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