Before you start this Enchanting guide, first lets see which items gives what, when you disenchant it. Go to my Disenchanting Guide, there you can find all the information you need.
First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth - just ask a guard, and learn Apprentice Enchanting.
Check out my Enchanting guide 1-110. It's about leveling Enchanting from 1 to 110 with almost no cost at all.
I also recommend you to go to the Auction House right now and search for these recipes: [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina] - [Formula: Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina]
1 x [Runed Copper Rod] - 1 Copper Rod, 1 Strange Dust, 1 Lesser Magic Essence
48 x [Enchant Bracer: Minor Health] - 48 Strange Dust
Learn Enchanting Journeyman.
If the Strange Dust is cheap and the Greater Magic Essence is too expensive on your realm, you can make this Enchant up to 120.
Go to Stonetalon Mountains if you are Horde and find Kulwia, for Alliance players go to Ashenvale and find Dalria. After you found the NPC buy these two recipes: [Enchant Bracer - Lesser Strength] - [Enchant Cloak: Minor Agility]
25 x [Enchant Cloak: Minor Agility] - 25 Lesser Astral Essence
Learn Enchanting Expert.
This one turns yellow at 165, however if 2 Soul Dust is a lot cheaper than 1 Lesser Mystic Essence, keep making these until 185. If it's not then at 165 switch to:
20 x [Enchant Bracer: Spirit] - 20 Lesser Mystic Essence
Learn Enchanting Artisan.
Depends on your realm, if Lesser Nether Essence is too expensive, make this until 230.
Recipe sold by Kania at Silithus.
If you have the [Formula: Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina] make that recipe 5 times instead of the recipe below.
5 x [Enchant Bracer - Greater Intellect] - 15 Lesser Eternal Essence
Go to Outland or Northrend and learn Enchanting Master. Click here for the trainer list.
13 x [Enchant Gloves - Assault] - 96 Arcane Dust
Recipe sold by Madame Ruby at Shattrath City.
5 x [Enchant Shield - Resilience] - 5 Large Prismatic Shard, 20 Lesser Planar Essence
This recipe is yellow already when you learn it, so you might need to make 14-16.
Go to Northrend and learn Enchanting Grand Master. Click here for the trainer list.
From this point most of the Enchants will be REALLY expensive. You should put them on a Vellum or look for people who have the materials and tell them you will do the Enchant for free.
The recipe sold by Vanessa Sellers, she can be found in Dalaran, it costs 4 Dream Shard.
The recipe sold by Vanessa Sellers, she can be found in Dalaran, it costs 4 Dream Shard.
You can make this one up to 450 if you want to, it's basically free skill-ups since you're going to either use the Dusts/Essences anyway or you can sell them for more than you got the Crystals for.
[Abyssal Shatter] - Abyss Crystal
3 x [Enchant Boots - Greater Assault] - 12 Dream Shard, 12 Greater Cosmic Essence
The recipe sold by Vanessa Sellers, she can be found in Dalaran, it costs 4 Dream Shard.
I hope you liked this WoW Enchanting guide, GZ to 450!